Friday, August 20, 2010

Treasuring Christ (worksheet)

Treasuring Christ

-The _________ of God should be counted as a _________ in our hearts. (Matt 13:44-46)
-Definition:  To count _______ as such a ____ that _______  ______ bares any __________ in our hearts other than him. (Phil. 3: 3-14)  ß Key Scripture [Money, deserves a ‘ba da da dat’]
Alternate Def: To place Christ as such a value that we would give everything we have and even to suffer in everything in order that we might be fully satisfied in him.
Three evidences of a life that treasures Christ:
1.        ­­to have ___ ________
A life that treasures Christ does not fear loss of anything.  We should be so satisfied in Christ that fear would not so much as cause us to tremble.  (Matt. 10:28; Matt. 8: 20-26; Phil. 3:5-7)
-________ (Acts 4 & 5)

-________  __________

2.        _____________ in _________
A life that treasures Christ does not waver or regress.  It does not shake, it does not falter, but rather, it stands like a house built on a firm foundation.  When the winds come and the waves crash, it remains steadfast. (Psalm 1; Matt. 7: 24-27; Luke 9: 58-62)
-          The ­­­­____________  (Acts 5: 42)

-          ­­­­­­­­­­­_____________ __________________

         3. ­­­________________ to _____________ for the __________.
A life that treasures Christ will suffer for it.  It’s that simple, its not easy to follow after Christ.  Trials do and will come, the end.  Therefore, it is important how we maintain and handle ourselves as we go through them, that is will me collapse or by the grace of God shall we stand, proving our faith to be sure.  This is the ultimate test of Christ-treasuring life; that we might find joy in the one who was and is and is to come even in the most treacherous of trials.  (2 Cor. 13:5, James 1:2-4, 1 Pet. 1: 6-9)

-The ­­­___________ (Acts 5: 40-42)

- _______ (Phil. 3: 4-11; 2 Cor. 11: 23-27)

Why is this action or treasuring Christ so important or necessary?
-Answer:  We should ­­_______ to treasure ______, because he has already ____________ us and made us his _____.  (Phil. 3: 12; 1 Pet: 1: 9; Deut. 7: 6-7; Titus 2:13-16; Col. 1: 27-29) ß Wow!!

Discussion Questions: 
1) Which one of the three evidences of a Christ-treasuring life is least prevalent in your life?
2) What are some steps you can take to help let this evidence show in your own life?
3) How will you take what you have learned with you to school tomorrow and furthermore into the rest of your lives?

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